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Quality HR Consulting Solutions

Worksite Connect in Atlanta, GA, provides guidance and support to small to medium-sized businesses in managing their human resources. This includes talent acquisition, performance management, employee benefits, employee engagement, training, and development. We work with businesses to understand their unique needs and challenges and provide customized solutions to help them achieve their goals. Our goal is to help businesses optimize their HR practices, improve employee engagement and retention, and ultimately drive business success.

Employee Benefits

Employee benefits are additional perks or advantages that employers offer to their employees in addition to their regular salary or wages. Employee benefits can help attract and retain talented employees and improve employee satisfaction and productivity. Worksite Connect helps businesses with employee benefits in several ways:


Assess Current Benefits

We evaluate the current benefits being offered by a company and provide feedback on how they can be improved.

Design Benefit Plans

We work with businesses to design benefit plans that meet the needs of their employees while staying within budget constraints.


We help businesses ensure that their employee benefit plans are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.


We help businesses communicate the benefits of their plans to their employees, which can lead to higher employee satisfaction and retention.

Employee Engagement

We design and implement strategies to boost employee morale and engagement.


We know your employee's health and financial well-being is of the upmost importance. We offer Voluntary benefit solutions to protect your employees' paycheck and provide benefits to fill the gaps of health insurance. With no cost to the business, protecting your employees is easier than ever.

Culture Alignment

We combine the best of our practices into a system that caters to the way you want to see your employees flourish.

Rewards and Recognition

We help you reward your employees effectively and recognize their contributions.


We assist businesses with the administration of their employee benefit plans, which can help reduce the administrative burden on HR staff.

For more information about our HR Consulting services, or to schedule a free consultation, call us at 470-534-8633.

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